About me

Sandhya SubramanianGood day to all our dear readers. Let me introduce myself. I am Dr. Sandhya Subramanian, a dentist by profession, and also a practicing psychotherapist and a counselor. Seems an odd combination?! Here is something more about myself, so that everything is clear:
I studied dentistry from the best college in Mumbai, but was still dissatisfied. I felt something missing. Yes, I was searching for something deeper in life than wanting to just settle down. Unusual questions troubled me: Why do people have to die untimely? What happens to them after death?

My mind weighed down with thoughts of self doubt and sadness, thinking about all these things. I analyzed my mind at times, but found the mind a complex thing in itself. All the pain and confusion that I felt kept me in a state of depression.

Finally, my prayers were answered and I found refuge in the spiritual atmosphere in the association of spiritual people all focused towards knowing God and our eternal relationship with him. That’s when I actually started feeling comfortable in this body.

Still, I retained that desire to understand my mind. Also, I really wanted to help people who have problems with their mind and who are confused due to lack of spiritual direction in their life. So I studied psychotherapy and counseling, a 2 year post graduate course. I personally took many hours of counseling to resolve so many of my personal issues.

Now, when I look back, honestly, I feel I have come a long way. No, I cannot claim that I have understood my mind. But I surely do understand how to tolerate my situations and help others to come out of their difficult times with a right attitude and a smile on their face.

I am a wife and a mother of two kids. I had to take some real tough decisions in life regarding career and other things, but I sailed through those times because of my spiritual foundation, and my knowledge of psychotherapy and counseling. In my blog posts I will be sharing some of my life experiences (both marital and otherwise) with you. I hope they will help you.

– Mrs.Sandhya Subramanian